
The Department of Information Engineering (DII) of the University of Pisa is an Excellence Center for Research and Higher Education in the field of Information and CommunicationTechnology (ICT), Robotics and Bioengineering. 


85 professors and 40 post-doc are member of the Department. The main research fileds iclude Electronics, Applied Electromagnetism, Communication Systems, Information Engineering, Automation and Robotics and Biomedical Engineering.

DII has promoted six spin-off projects, and it cooperates with private and public institutions to provide innovative solutions to key issues in different ICT sectors, and to bridge the gap between academic and industrial research. The Department is involved in about 20 European projects (49 in the last three years), 2 ERC, 22 Regional Projects. 

It runs an intense activity in Higher Education for about 4000 students and 90 PhD students, it organizes the Master in Cyber-security and the Summer Schools "Open medical device design" and "Enabling Technologies for the Internet of Things".

In 2018 DII was selected by the Italian Minister of Education as "Department of Excellence" with the project CrossLab, aiming to support tre revolution of Industry 4.0 in Italy by creating interdisciplinary research labs open to big, medium and small-sized enterprises.


Where We Are

Via Caruso 16, Pisa 

Largo Lucio Lazzarino 1, Pisa (School of Engineering) 


03 September 2018