Undergraduate Courses

The Department is part of the School of Engineering of the University of Pisa
For information about enrolling please consult this page
For information about lesson timetables, academic calendar, exam, sessions please consult this page


Electronics (in Italian)

At the beginning of the last century, Electronics was the science studying the motion of electrons (initially in vacuum, then in semiconductors). Today, it is a multidisciplinary corpus including the conception, the design, the realization and the characterization of devices , circuits and complex systems for processing, transmission and storage of information.

web: http://www.ing-ele.ing.unipi.it/
contacts: sergio.saponara@unipi.itpaolo.bruschi@unipi.it

Computer Engineering (in Italian)

The degree program in Computer Engineering aims to train graduates with a basic cultural knowledge, an interdisciplinary engineering understanding, and in-depth computer systems skills, in order to be able to create, configure and manage computers and computer networks, software applications, industrial automation systems, business information systems, computing and network services, integrated acquisition, processing and control systems.

web: computer.ing.unipi.it
contacts: marco.avvenuti@unipi.it

Telecommunications (In Italian)

The Degree Programme in Telecommunication Engineering has the objective of preparing students with a solid basis on mathematics, physics, signal processing, electromagnetic propagation and computer networks. The aim is to have graduates able to understand and employ the scientific methodology, and to enter the work environment.

web: https://www.tlc.ing.unipi.it/
contacts: maria.greco@unipi.it

Biomedical Engineering (In Italian)

Biomedical Engineering is a dicipline closely tied to Biology, that is to say to the living matter. Knowledge and competences tipical of engineering are applied in the field of Biomedics. The course aims at provide to students the scientific basis relevant to medical applications.

web: http://biomedica.ing.unipi.it/
contacts: giovanni.vozzi@unipi.it

09 December 2021