Is Antenna Made of Mathematics?

25 Novembre 2022

IEEE AP-S Distinguished Lecture

Debatosh Guha
Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, 
University of Calcutta, India

Aula Magna Pacinotti, Scuola di Ingegneria Pisa


This talk is designed to resolve a quest about the fundamentals of antenna engineering in the light of Electromagnetic Field theory. It looks at the Maxwellian Electrodynamics from a different angle and tries to find out
the reason why Maxwell himself failed in experimental validation of his own theory, although he lived an active life for another 14 years after his third and final paper  ‘A dynamical theory of the electromagnetic field’ was published in 1865. In quest of a further knowledge, the speaker visited the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the place of Hertz’s radio wave experiment and the Deutsches Museum Munich where his original experimental units are preserved. This talk will showcase some important evidences too.

Debatosh Guha is a Professor in Radio Physics and Electronics, University of Calcutta and Abdul Kalam Technology Innovation National Fellow. He is Fellow of IEEE and also of all Indian Science and Engineering Academies. He has served IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation and IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters as an associate editor. He has served/ has been serving IEEE Fields Award Committee (2017-2019), IEEE AP-S MGA Committee (2021-), and IEEE Technical Committee on Antenna Measurement (2022-) in different capacities. More than 200 technical papers in the leading journals and conferences along with a couple of books published by Wiley/IEEE Press are to his credit. His research contributions have been featured in the recent editions of most of the text and handbooks in antenna domain. He is now serving as a Distinguished Lecturer of IEE AP Society.