On Board Data Handling Subsystems – Overview, design aspects and trends

27 Aprile 2023

Giorgio Magistrati
Leader of Exploration Research and Technology Development (ExPeRT) Team in Human and Robotics Exploration (ESA HRE)

Room F3
Polo "E.Vitale" (ex Etruria), Scuola di Ingegneria.


Overview of On-Board Data Handling (OBDH) Subsystems for European Spacecraft and Exploration Missions.  The main characteristics of On-Board Data Handling Subsystems in terms of functions and interfaces will be described.  The environmental aspects affecting the design of the OBDH will be discussed. Trends in the design of OBDH to cope with the new Space missions’ challenges will be presented.


Engineer Degree obtained at Politecnico di Milano in 1989 (summa cum laude), specialization in Nuclear Electronics

Work Experience

  • 1991 – 1998 HW designer in Laben (now TAS-I) in the nuclear sector. Analog and digital design of modules and units for Nuclear Physics experiments.
  • 1998 – 2009 Avionics System Engineer and Lead of the Digital Design Group in Carlo Gavazzi Space (now OHB-I). Avionics responsible for several projects for ASI and ESA.
  • 2009 – 2019 Head of On-Board Computers and Data Handling section at ESA ESTEC. Areas of work: On Board Computers, Remote Terminal Units, Microcontrollers, Command and Control Busses as Mil-STD-1553b – CAN- SpW – TTE - Sensor busses – Wireless. Support projects in Science, Exploration, Launcher, Earth Observation and Telecom.
  • 2019-now Leader of Exploration Research and Technology Development (ExPeRT) Team in Human and Robotics Exploration (ESA HRE). Development of Phase A/B1 studies and related technologies for Exploration Missions


Linkedin: Giorgio Magistrati | LinkedIn