Il corso è stato attivato nell'ambito della Laurea Magistrale in Computer Engineering per fornire agli studenti le conoscenze fondamentali per padroneggiare i linguaggi di programmazione quantistica
Leggi tuttoAida Himmiche (Marocco) e Farzaneh Moghani (Iran) erano le uniche donne nella sessione di laurea, e nel ristrettissimo gruppo di studenti e studentesse che riesce a immatricolarsi a Pisa da paesi extra europei, superando le numerose difficoltà legate alla concessione del visto.
Lo scorso 26 luglio le sessioni delle lauree magistrali in inglese in Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering e in Computer Engineering hanno conferito il titolo a due studentesse provenienti da paesi extra europei. Aida Himmiche (Marocco) e Farzaneh Moghani (Iran) figurano nel ristretto gruppo di immatricolate donne (circa il 10% del totale degli studenti) in questi corsi, e nell'ancora più esiguo insieme di studenti e studentesse che si immatricolano a Pisa da paesi che non appartengono all'Unione Europea.
"Come CdS riceviamo ogni anno più di 3000 domande di immatricolazione da studentesse e studenti provenienti da paesi non-EU - spiega Marco Avvenuti, presidente dei corsi di studio in Ingegneria Informatica - Il bacino di provenienza è principalmente dall’Asia e dall’Africa. Il faticoso processo di selezione porta all’ammissione di circa 200 potenziali studenti. Di questi, purtroppo, solo una decina riesce a immatricolarsi nelle nostre magistrali in Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering e in Computer Engineering, principalmente a causa delle difficolta’ nell’ottenere il visto di ingresso in Italia".
Di seguito, la dichiarazione delle due neodottoresse
nata a Meknes (Marocco)
"I am Aida Himmiche, proud to announce my graduation from the University of Pisa with a Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering. I began this journey in 2021 after obtaining my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science at Al Akhawayn University in my home country Morocco, and completed it with a culminating Master's thesis titled “Fine-tuning Generative Adversarial Networks for Co-speech Body Gestures of a Humanoid Social Robot”, a project that explores enhancing human-robot interactions through advanced AI techniques and faceted behavior studies.
Studying at UNIPI has been a transformative experience, both academically and personally. I am immensely proud to have been taught by some of the brightest minds and worked alongside diligent scholars, whose expertise, achievements, and dedication have profoundly shaped my academic journey and inspired me to pursue excellence in my field. After many late-night coding sessions and long exam preparation periods, I am now officially a coffee drinker, and there is no better place to become one. I've even learned to appreciate the beautiful Leaning Tower of Pisa in all its tilt!
As I move forward, I'm excited to apply the knowledge and skills I've gained at UNIPI. I am grateful for the friendships and connections made along the way, and I look forward to contributing to the field of AI and data engineering. The challenges and experiences at UNIPI have prepared me well for the future, and I am eager to see where this journey takes me next.”
nata a Shahrood (IRAN)
"I am Farzaneh Moghani, proud to announce my graduation from the University of Pisa with a Master's degree in Computer Engineering. Today I discussed a thesis titled “Development of a power consumption clustering in the manufacturing sector based with data mining techniques”. I vividly remember arriving in Pisa on a very warm September day in 2019, feeling like a total stranger in a new city. Over time, Pisa has become my second home. I have formed invaluable friendships and spent countless hours immersed in the enriching environment of the university. My educational journey was truly transformative. For my thesis, I had the privilege of working at an IoT company, which was an incredibly rewarding experience. The subject of my thesis was the development of an unsupervised clustering method for analyzing time series data of power consumption in manufacturing devices. This challenging project allowed me to grow academically and professionally. Studying at UNIPI has been a remarkable opportunity, one that I will always cherish."
Nella foto, da sinistra a destra: Federico Galatolo, Cinzia Bernardeschi (delegata pari opportunita’ per il dip. di Ingegneria dell’Informazione), Gabriele Pannocchia (presidente della Scuola di Ingegneria), Aida Himmiche, Farzaneh Moghani, Marco Avvenuti (presidente dei corsi di studio in Ingegneria Informatica), Carlo Puliafito.