Embedded Systems and Smart Manufacturing Lab

The objective of the lab is to perform research and technological transfer in the following fields:

  • Hardware-Software architecture for embedded systems and applications
  • Performance/power optimizations of embedded applications: Code/data layout optimizations; Low power/low latency memory hierarchy design for high performance applications
  • Inspection systems for Smart Factory: System design & Algorithms development; Performance tuning; developmento of main Technologies: linear cameras, spectrometers, image processing, GPU
  •  DCS and SCADA for Smart Factory: Standard based architectures; Interoperability; Debugging environment

Due to the latest innovation in autonomous systems and drive, the lab aims also to increase the knowledge in the field of cognitive effects of autonomy on people, towards the realization of a proactive Human-Machine interaction in autonomous vehicle.

People: Pierfrancesco Foglia (coordinator), Cosimo Antonio Prete, Beatrice Lazzerini, G.A. De Vitis


  • Valutazione percettIva della diffeRenza di immaGINI complesse (Perceptual evaluation of the difference of complex images - VIRGINIa)”, partially supported by Regione Toscana in the framework of the strategy of intelligent specialization and Industry 4.0, POR FSE 2014-2020

Lab Equipment: Development Boards for microcontroller and dsp., Development Environment for OPC-UA applications and IEC 61499 distributed solution

03 Aprile 2019