Il premio è stato conferito dalla SIEm (Società Italiana di Elettromagnetismo) durante l'ultimo meeting internazionale.
Leggi tutto
The labs are devoted to:
People: Ruggero Reggiannini and Michele Morelli (coordinators), Antonio D'Amico, Filippo Giannetti, Vincenzo Lottici, Marco Moretti, Luca Sanguinetti, Vincenzo Lottici
Labs Equipment: receiving station for Nefocast satellite link; software defined radios devices for research and prototyping, 3D printer, mini wind tunnel for test of fluid-dynamic sensors, micrometric manipulator for millimetric measurements, hardware rack (National Instruments) with analog and digital I/O interfaces, for FPGA-based implementation of transmitting and receiving functions of modems as well as any other kind of signal processing; other instrumentation (spectrum analyzer, signal and noise generators, bit-error-rate meter etc.) that can be connected to a PC server on the IEEE 488/GP-IB bus and remotely controlled via internet, using specific client software running on user domestic PCs; in this way while the instrument set remains in the laboratory, students from home can access the instruments, set the various configuration parameters, make measurements and download the results in text/numerical or graphic form; this is a real distance learning facility, since all plots and data that students observe and manipulate are not the result of computer simulations, but actual measurements on real instruments, with true electrical signals.