Enabling Technologies for IOT 2024

The 2024 edition of the Summer School Enabling Technologies for Industrial Internet of Things (ET-I2oT 2024) is organized to provide 6 ECTS (about 52 hours of front lessons) in the fields of Electronics, RFID, Sensors, Networking, Web of Things, SW for IoT, Computer Engineering, targeting on one side an audience of Bachelor (last year), Master and PhD students, and on the other side early stage researchers and practitioners from Academia or Industry.
Both HW and SW aspects of IoT will be presented and discussed during the school.

Lecturers from University of Pisa, University of Kiel, University Grenoble Alpes, plus invited speaker from Industry.

Particular focus will be on Digital technologies for AutoMotive and AeroSpace applications, in line with the goal of the DAMAS European Digital Innovation Hub.

A final exam is foreseen and it will consist in completing a technical report, starting from one of the subject of the course and integrated with data and infos from student experience, assigned the last day of the course. The technical report should be completed within 30 September 2024, to have the exam registered with a final mark and 6 ECTS.

Lessons will be held at Polo della memoria San Rossore 1938, via Risorgimento, 56126, Pisa, in Room D.

The program will be activated also in distance learning mode (TEAMS platform).


The Summer School provides theoretical and practical lessons about recent advances in enabling technologies for electronics, future wireless networks and wireless sensor networks, edge AI, cloud computing & HPC, digital twin, in scenarios such as IoT, Industry 4.0, Cyber-PhysicalSystems (CPS), autonomous vehicles, aerospace.

Particular focus will be on Digital technologies for AutoMotive and AeroSpace applications, in line with the goal of the DAMAS European Digital Innovation Hub.

Wireless circuits and systems and internet technology are becoming pervasive in many applications fields such as Industry4.0, vehicle industry (e.g. connected cars, advanced driver assistance systems, V2V and V2I wireless communications, radar, lidar), automation in industrial or domotic scenarios (e.g. wireless sensor and actuator networks), health&wellness (e.g. wireless wearable sensing and biomedical circuits), robots, aerospace.

A final exam is foreseen. After passing the exam the University of Pisa will register the course as an official exam of 6 ECTS. Indeed, the school has got already an accreditation at European level being part of the network of European Summer Schools. The school in the past 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 editions hosted about 40 students/year, from 4 continents (Europe, America, Asia, Africa) with invited speakers like Federico Faggin, the "father of the microprocessor", Franco Maloberti, IEEE CAS society President, Lorenzo Fioramonti, past Minister for University and Research. Lecturers will be from University of Pisa, University of Kiel, University Grenoble Alpes plus invited speaker from Industry.

The teaching material has been published in the IEEE book "Enabling Technologies for the Internet of Things: Wireless Circuits, Systems and Networks", 2018, Editor: Sergio Saponara, University of Pisa, Italy, ISBN: 9788793609747

The 2024 program will be similar to the 2023 program available at https://www.dii.unipi.it/summer-school-enablig-technologies-iot-2023

Who can apply

Bachelor (last year), Master and PhD students, in the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Management) disciplines, early stage researchers and practitioners from Academia or Industry



Program Intensity

Full time


Admission Requirements

To be a University student (Bachelor last year, Master and PhD) or having a University degree in the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Management) disciplines.

Required documents

  • Identity Document (*PASSPORT in case you are a foreign student*)
  • Enrolment Form
  • Curriculum Vitae

All the documents must be in pdf format, in order to upload them on the portal when required.

Application has to be submitted via Alice portal following the instructions of the "How to apply" page.


  • 20 May 2024: Application deadline (to be considered for the scholarship)
  • 29 May 2024: Scholarship selections results
  • 29 May 2024: Opening of the tuition fees payment portal
  • 18 June 2024: General application deadline
  • 1 July 2024: Tuition fees payment deadline




250 Euro

To pay the fees please register to the following:


Payment Portal


For technical support with the payment please contact helpdeskfad@expomeeting.it

For information concerning the payment please write to amministrazione@fclassevents.com

NOTICE: There will be no refund of paid tuition fees


The University of Pisa offers 2 Gold scholarships (each for the amount of 250 Euro) to participate to the Summer School, totally waivering the tuition fees (travel, accomodation and living costs are to be borne personally by each student).

The IEEE Council on RFID offers 2 Gold scholarships (each for the amount of 250 Euro) and 1 Silver scholarship (for the amount of 100 Euro) to participate to the Summer School, totally (Gold) or partially (Silver) waivering the tuition fees (travel, accomodation and living costs are to be borne personally by each student).

All applicants that will apply within 20 May 2024 will be considered for the scholarship.

Selections results will be notified by 29 May 2024.

Priority will be given to women for gender balance and/or to students with special needs coming from developing countries.


18 -25 July 2024

Application Deadline

18 June 2024


Prof. Sergio Saponara sergio.saponara@unipi.it 
Dr. Sara Andrenucci sara.andrenucci@unipi.it 

Summer/Winter School Office support.summerschool@unipi.it 


Previous Editions:

Summer School on enablig Technologies for IoT 2023

Summer School on enablig Technologies for IoT 2022

Summer School on enablig Technologies for IoT 2021

Summer School on enablig Technologies for IoT 2020

Summer School for IOT 2018

28 Maggio 2024